Photography Workshops

Auto to Manual (ATM) Photography Workshops

Have you got a new DSLR or a new camera? Did you notice the ‘M’ mode on the dial button? Did you try to get photographs using the ‘M’ mode and did not get good results? Are you still clicking on the Auto modes? Are you a budding photographer who wants to graduate from the Auto mode to Manual mode? If the answer to the above questions is ‘yes’ then this workshop is for you.

Learn the toughest form of Photography with our talented and award-winning photography mentors who will help you learn the photography right from its basics.

We start from understanding of the Light, basic camera controls, aperture/shutter control, ISO performance and settings etc. and gradually take you to the advance phases such as full manual control and specialized camera and photography techniques.

Key modules:

We believe that unless you start handling that camera and start clicking that shutter button, you would not be learning the nuances of photography and hence we give more importance to on field training sessions.

Our sessions are a mixture of classes conducted indoors and then the practice sessions outdoors. Each theory session is followed by an outdoor sessions where in the participants are given specific instructions and targets to capture the photograph. Each outdoor session is then followed up by review session to improve on the photographs taken.

The fun begins when you start realizing that you control the camera and make it click photographs how so ever you want.

Expert at Photography


Photography Trainer

Welcome to Feel Nature