Kids n Us

Kids ‘n’ Us
Let Nature be your teacher. – William Wordsworth!
“It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education” – Albert Einstein
In times when search engines are expecting us to be dependent on them for even locating nearby grocery stores, we the urban human race are becoming less and less inquisitive as well as our awareness levels about things surrounding and impacting us are hitting a new bottom as every day passes by. This has happened due to a series of events starting from our education to our feudal way of upbringing where questioning gets suppressed and making us a less inquisitive and forcing us to accept the world as it is at a sub conscious level without questioning.
The urban way of romanticizing of nature has done more harm to urban kids than benefiting them, this romanticizing of nature has given rise to a sense that the nature exists in these reserve pockets like national parks and sanctuaries and ignoring what is surrounding us on every tree, every pasture of green and in every call of a bird. Mobiles and Internets have been a key driver in taking away the kids from nature around them, this has been further aided by the aspirational nature of parenting leading to an indoor based and academically focused lifestyle. All these factors have lead urban kids to Nature Deficit Disorder.
The Nature deficit disorder has many ramifications like depreciating use of the senses, lack of attention, lack of appreciation of things around, conditions of obesity, and higher rates of emotional and physical illnesses. Research also suggests that the nature-deficit weakens environmental literacy and appreciation and protection of the natural world. These problems are linked more broadly to what health care experts call the “epidemic of inactivity,” and to a devaluing of independent play.
But thankfully the Nature deficit disorder can be reversed with planned positive steps in group activities.
We at Nemophilist believe that the biggest asset that kids possess is their inquisitiveness and sense of amusement towards nature and things around. We believe that nature serves as the best class room for enabling questioning, learning and knowledge creation and performing arts like story making, storytelling, theatre, creating songs are the best form of imparting and imbibing learnings.
The Nemophilist believes in adding to the tribe of nature lovers and care takers by introducing kids to nature and environment to start of a never-ending affection with our environs.
Our workshops with Kids aims to introduce nature and its components like Water, Trees, fruits, leaves, dry leaves, forests, grasslands, desserts, farm lands, insects, birds, mammals and reptiles as a whole to kids, make them more responsible in their actions, sharing and articulating experiential learning through performing arts. In an encouraging environment curiosity leads to creativity and kids start seeking possible answers for their own questions by themselves and leading to creating of knowledge with us acting as moderators and facilitators. Through performing arts, we make kids visualize themselves as different actors of delicate chain of nature and hence start the process of understanding the delicate chain of nature and roles each and every player plays.
We undertake such workshops for schools, Private institutes for kids 8 and above for 2 days workshops with overnight stay in outbound programs accompanied by teachers from schools/ institute. For kids between 5 and 8 such workshops are organized at nearby nature outposts as an 8 hour even with activity time of 5 hours.
For more details please call us or email us.
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Welcome to Feel Nature

Office #8, Janki Business Centre, Sterling Centre, Opp Hotel Aurora Tower, Pune – 411001